Mindelo Marina
Friday, Feb 4, 2022
Latitude 16o 53’ N
Longitude 25o 00’ W
Mindelo Marina, Cabo Verde
Mindelo Marina
The harbor of Mindelo Cabo Verde and neighboring city is more developed than expected, with large ships anchored offshore, a marina with 144 spots, and multistory buildings.
Mindelo Harbor, Cabo Verde.
The developed nature of the port is matched by the sailboats in the harbor which are battleships from all over the world. Their decks are crowded with fuel containers, self-steering rigs, life rafts, inflatables, solar panels, coils of rope, outboard motors, and laundry. By comparisons Lillian looks like a toy dog that somehow wandered into the working dog category at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. But she attracts her own share of attention. And at least one sailor seeking to crew across the Atlantic stopped by saying he would love to crew on such a boat as she.
Boat down next to us.
We are one of two boats from the US. No sooner had we arrived then Adam Kemer, the owner of S/V Bravo from Seattle Washington, greeted us saying that he didn’t usually see a US flag come in. He gave us a quick rundown of the marina facilities, local restaurants, and the procedures for checking in. The next morning our first order of business was to register with the Marina Office to get our all-important pass-cards for the showers. Once everyone had showered, the next step was to locate a laundry service. Once the laundry had been dropped off, we headed en masse to the Port Authority to officially check in with immigration and the health department.
On the way to check in.
Contrary to our expectations, no COVID test was required upon entry to Cabo Verde, only our assurance that we’d been fully vaccinated. After filling out a few forms, our passports were stamped. Back at the boat Dwight and Denise exchanged the yellow quarantine flag for the Cabo Verde courtesy flag. We had officially arrived.
Crew members Denise Munger and Dwight Leeper raise the Cabo Verde flag