On the Move
Sunday Morning, 10:00 AM, Sept 12, 2021
Latitude 42o 02’ N
Longitude 08o 58’ W
Off the coast of Spain
On the Move
Nothing special to report, other than that we are on the move again, destination the Santa Cruz Marina, Tenerife Canary Island, 879 nm to the SW. The mechanics in Baiona did a full inspection of the engine, tightening bolts and replacing filter. Fresh oil, new filters, new compressor hoses, new shaft for the self-steering vane, water tanks topped off, a full load of fuel, and a new mount for the fuel filter. The boat may well be in better shape that when she left Rockport ME.
Meanwhile, Pete and I are settling into our watch schedule. The seas are calm and the wind slack, so we’re starting off motoring, but the forecast indicates favorable winds for the crossing. The sky is blue, the mountainous coastline of Spain to the west is slightly shrouded in mist, and as if on cue, a pod of half a dozen dolphins just crossed our bow.