Monte-Real Club de Yates
Friday, Sept 10, 2021
Latitude 42o 07’ N
Longitude 08o 51’ W
Monte-Real Club de Yates
Baiona, Spain
We’ve been docked at the Monte-Real Club de Yates in Baiona, Spain since Tuesday. Mostly of that time has been spent having the fuel system fixed and preparing the boat for the next passage. After an oil change this morning, all systems will be ready for the sail to the Canaries and there will be free time to explore the city until our planned departure on Monday. We have walked about some, mostly to run errands. It’s odd to think that Christopher Columbus passed through the same streets over 500 years ago. We’ve also had a couple of excellent meals and plan to have more before we leave. And we have the internet. On that note, I can include images with this blog and save myself some words.