Point Reyes, California
Hello everyone …There are a few more journal entries I plan to write, but I figure this is the last one from the water. Thanks to all for your interest. No small part of the pleasure has been sharing it. -Sam, Peter and Pedro. (Kay, Matthew, Dick, Chris, Dale, and Dave).
Monday, September 06, 2004
N 38o 16’, W 123o 55’
45 Miles to Point Reyes, San Francisco
Our last full day of sailing has been as beautiful as any we’ve seen. Cooler air has come in from the North and the sky last night was clear as crystal, with a brilliant half moon allowing only the brightest stars to be visible. Today has felt like a Fall day in Maine, with steady breezes over our shoulder and gentle following seas. If all continues to go well, by early morning we will be just off Point Reyes, northwest of the Golden Gate Bridge. And, by this time tomorrow, docked along the waterfront.
Come tomorrow, we will also be “plugged back into the matrix” so to speak, including cell phones. (I can imagine my son cringing at my reference to the Matrix). I’ll probably even have mine turned on. For the next few days, at least through Thursday, when Peter’s plane leaves, we should be very busy with getting Lillian ready for trucking. After that, I’m not sure what my plans are, other than to figure out the best way to get back home to Alabama.

Tuesday, Sept 7: We arrived in San Francisco shortly after 1:00pm today!
Tomorrow we will motor over to a shipyard and start to prepare Lillian for shipping, including taking down the antenna for the SSB … so no more e-mail via Sailmail. My home e-mail is [email protected], where I hope to be in about a week’s time.